Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This is what we are paying for with our soldiers and tax dollars

If you have ever asked yourself why Muslims don't like us, and your answer was "well, they're just mindless terrorists" or even simpler: "they hate us because we have democracy and freedom!", maybe we should watch this video together or look at many other photos taken by our own correspondents.

Here's how our tax dollars are being spent, and this is what our governments have been supporting: ethnic cleansing of Muslim children by our fellow Isrealis. And who paid the price of their hate: us, Americans going through september 11th and billions of dollars spent on wars against Muslims.

And remember what our media told us: They just hate us regardless of what we have done to them, we should go and invade them or they'll fight us here in US. Should this really come as a surprise from our billionaire Jewish Zionist Rupert Murdoch owning Fox network, Fox news and New York Post?

Watch this amazing video too, which breaks down the price that the war between Israel and Palestine has imposed on us. It is a 3-part video: You can watch the second and third parts on youtube.

Monday, March 31, 2008

If you are surprised, think again!

If you are among those Americans who are quite used to the common lie by fox news and many other news channels , saying that the Israel is the good guy and all others are the terrorists and crazy people who just love to die and kill people to get into paradise and get virgins, let me ask you a question:

Who is the most valuable person in your life? Your mother, son, daughter or wife? Whomever that your answer is, imagine that someone came in and slaughtered him or her. What would be your reaction? If there was no way to bring the murderer to justice, and you knew that he was going to come back and kill another member of your family, or your neighborhood, what would be your reaction? Wouldn't you fight with him, even if it had a risk of your life? Wouldn't you pick up a gun and defend yourself and your family? Well, I think for many of us who were brave enough, we definitely would.

Now imagine that someone invaded your country, took it over and had no plans whatsoever to leave it one day. Wouldn't you fight for your occupied country? If your answer is no, then what if they humiliated you and wiped out your country off the map?! What if they told you, since now no longer a country named United States of America has the right to exist? If your answer is still no, well maybe you just want to survive and live in your country "peacefully"!! BUT WHAT IF they even ran you out of your own country? Would you be thrilled to be humiliated, killed and live the rest of your life in a refugee camp?

Put yourselves in Palestinians' shoes. How come you do not give them the right to pick up a gun and defend their family, their land and their human values, even if they face death? What is bothering us? The fact that they are brave enough to defend themselves and defend their children with the price of their lives? Is this why we call them terrorists instead of hero's or freedom fighters?

Watch this video of Mike Gravel and see if his answer about Hizbullah and a peace solution for middle east surprises you. If it does, you must think again about your news sources and ask yourself: why have such comments been censored from the main stream?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hi there! I'm coming...

My plan is to make this blog a place for my random thoughts, but not all of them! Only those few that I think are worth being exposed to others. Those that are a voice against an oppression, against something wrong.

And to tell you a bit about myself, I'm a student who wants to share with you some of taboo facts that have been intentionally hidden from public, here in US.
I'd like to declare myself a witness: a frank witness. And I invite you all, especially you free thinkers to join me in this journey.

Frank Witness